Sunday, June 15, 2014

Push & Pull . . .

You came out of nowhere

and everywhere
all at once.

It happened before,
and it's exactly 
what happened

One day
you dropped back 
into my life, 

like magic
you were all i could think of.

Last time you weren't ready.

You pushed
and pushed
until away 
was my only 

Now, it's different
you are pulling
and pulling
and everything 
in my being
wants to be swept 
closer to you
until there is
not even air
between us.

But life has been lived
and choices made...

where allowing myself
to be pulled
into you
isn't as easy
as it would have been

I don't know how it will work
or when...

I just know that it will.

If your heart
and my head
will let it.

If we can both

All the days of
will be 
nothing but
faded memory.

Penelope Jones

Penelope is a free-spirited, tell it like it is poet and storyteller.
Much of her work is done by free-writing, which is the "spill it out and don't look back" approach.  
It's honest, pure, sometimes rough and always raw.  She, like so many of us,  has seen tragedy and felt triumph, 
all of which echoes through her words beautifully.  

She is a light, a true beacon and an excellent traveling companion for those who like to trek unbeaten paths.  
She believes in adventure, in packing light, that cussing is therapeutic and that love is always worth it.

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