Thursday, July 3, 2014

Astral Weeks

People of the water people of the sun of fire and of wind

Ancestors and kin from millenia past I sit at the threshhold meditate and fast

With seers sage in pipe the mist moves in over the night
and I begin to remember frozen Decembers and the blizzards that brought me to this place

A descendant of a proud warrior race

My eye scans the universe for the pieces that I've lost as my body feels the burn of the soothing celtic frost I'M BECOMING WHOLE I'M BECOMING HOLY AGAIN As I fill the cauldrans one by one we sing and dance and bang the drum
in honor of our burning sun

Holiest goddess I give myself to thee I face all four directions and count my blessings times three

Heed the voices of the ancient oak tree feel the music that lives inside of me

May I return all knowing May I return all powerful May I return willing to help

Devote myself to her and don the ancient kilt of the celt and walk the path towards holy salvation as others fall ill and suffer from starvation because they refuse to recognize the magnificence of creation and wallow in their materials

Mike O'Rourke

Born 1/3/78 in Boston, MA.  Originally from Charlestown, MA., 
Mike lived most of his life in the neighboring city of Somerville (affectionately referred to as "Slumerville").

Mike is an artist - illustrator, writer, musician, philosopher, free thinker.

"I feel that art is not a skill or sharpened technique as much as it is just a part of nature.  Like gravity, electricity, light, wind, fire, water.  Art is a form of energy.  It's an element.  It's an extension of the creative consciousness of the Universe that constantly expands and runs through all matter.  Some connect easily with the energy, others are not even aware of it.  Whether you are a chef, tradesman, hairdresser, stay at home parent, farmer, engineer, etc., the creative force is working through you on all levels. There is no separation of man and nature.  We think, we create."  — Mike O'Rourke

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