Thursday, October 16, 2014


Irony is the amount of work involved in simplifying.

This can apply to the physical (like removing clutter from a house), mental (like reducing media intake), emotional (like letting go of anxiety and guilt and everything that stems from it), and more.

There are many ways in which I am currently working towards simplification in my own life. All of the above included. There are so many things that I want to change, to simplify, so that I can better and more often enjoy the things and people and activities that I feel suffer because life. is. just. too. complicated. and busy.

The problem is that this is, and will be, a long process. There is a lot to sort through.  Some of it has to be done in a certain order – step three can’t happen until steps one and two are complete.  And some of it will require bravery or leaps of faith.

Is this writing vague? Yes.

Am I going to tell you the details of all the things I am working to accomplish, and the sequence of events that are required to do so? No.

All I know and all I can say is that I am, and this is, a work in progress.

Will it ever be finished? Will there ever come a time when I can say that everything is perfect and it’s as good as it’s going to get? I sure hope so. In fact -- actually -- I do think so.

Right now? I am glad that I can say I recognize what needs to change, what I want to change, and that I see a mostly clear path to it all.

I am on the path; that path is called simplicity; and I’m going to take a couple more steps now…

Robin Donoghue

The sly and trusty Robinator is a square peg – 
not fitting easily into any single category, living not just inside and outside of the box, 
but all mixed up in a pile of them. She’s a walking contradiction  (in the good way) – 
having a wide, diverse range of interests, not being defined by any one thing, 
and willing to try pretty much anything at least once. 

Born and raised in Somerville, this lifelong athlete, foodie who almost always ends up with 
pasta sauce on her (especially when it’s white) shirt, mother of two cats, free-spirited hippie at heart whose socks never match, is socially awkward, yet a flirt, too.  She enjoys photography, traveling, generally being creative, and practically requires having pockets.  When she grows up, she wants to get an RV and be a nomad with her dear husband, or live on a self-sustaining 

intentional community with all the best people she knows and loves.

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