Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ship Wrecked

The storm was uninviting                                       

Sky turned grey.                                                    

Clouds became ominous.                                      

Chill in the breeze.  

Choppy waves.                                                     

Death was in the air, denial behind it.              

Navigating destruction,                                           

Praying for this surge to pass.                                                 

A wish for miracle.                                                

Sunrise set.                                                                 

Air was calm.                                                       

Still waves.                                                        

Profound freedom in the air.                                    

Vanished life form.                                              

Broken reality.                                                       

You evacuated peacefully. 

My ship submerged.                                                

Life vest is close yet afar. .                                        

Help me stay afloat,                                                

Let me see light, hear subtle tone, feel your presence.                                                                

Heal me from this aftermath.                            

     Dawn Piecham

Dawn is a native of Somerville, Mass. and has earned a bachelors degree in nursing and is currently working on her masters degree in nursing. A natural born caregiver, Dawn is a loving wife and mother of three boys with another on the way! She is proud to be able to say that she simply adores her family. While all of this is very apparent to those who know her, Dawn has been hiding the fact that she is an incredibly talented writer from us for years!

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