“I just want to be able to talk to you, is that asking too much?”
Right now, at this point, it is asking too much.
You emailed my brother and I –
stating that you’re scared and alone, and begging us to talk to you.
He who you know wants to hear nothing from you and hasn’t for well over a year now,
and me who you were told had blocked your emails.
So, what are you doing? Why did you bother?
Your tactic this time wasn’t to lay on a guilt trip, but rather to try and make us feel bad for you.
Same old, same old.
Different but no different.
Do you know why you are alone and scared?
Because you drove everyone away and we’ve all decided to move on, each in our own manner,
without you…for now.
I took the brave, bold step and told you – flat out, point blank – that yes, it is asking too much;
that this was the current last straw in an ongoing series of them.
Will you honor my wishes, my needs, this time?
Just this once?
How long will it be before you contact me again without my consent?
It usually lasts only a couple of weeks.
Put your children before you.
Let them heal while you do what you need to do.
“Yes, for the time being, that is asking too much.
I am absolutely 100% done dealing with your drug use.
I love you, too – that's why I need to be left alone until *I* say so.
So take care of yourSELF, and don't email me again.”

Robin Donoghue
The sly and trusty Robinator is a square peg –
not fitting easily into any single category, living not just inside and outside of the box,
but all mixed up in a pile of them. She’s a walking contradiction (in the good way) –
having a wide, diverse range of interests, not being defined by any one thing,
and willing to try pretty much anything at least once.
Born and raised in Somerville, this lifelong athlete, foodie who almost always ends up with
pasta sauce on her (especially when it’s white) shirt, mother of two cats, free-spirited hippie at heart whose socks never match, is socially awkward, yet a flirt, too. She enjoys photography, traveling, generally being creative, and practically requires having pockets. When she grows up, she wants to get an RV and be a nomad with her dear husband, or live on a self-sustaining
intentional community with all the best people she knows and loves.
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